Open Calls Seminar
Wednesday, November 22, 2017
7-10 pm
FREE by RSVP through Eventbrite
What are some of the institutions in Toronto that support emerging new media artists? What opportunities do I have to submit my work for exhibition? How can I structure my submissions and exhibitions proposals to make them appealing to curators and programming committees?
The Open Calls Seminar is a chance to get these questions answered by a panel of representatives from a group of programmers and curators from a range of arts organizations dedicated to new media art and emerging artists. Representatives from Trinity Square Video, SAVAC, Xpace, and InterAccess will each give a short presentation on their organization's mandate, and on current and upcoming opportunities to submit work for exhibition. Afterwards, there will be a panel discussion on how to successfully structure an exhibition proposal or submission, as well as time for audience questions. Come learn about the opportunities you have to submit work in Toronto, and meet some of the people who are on the other side of your submissions.
Space in this event is limited, so please RSVP through our eventbrite page: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/open-calls-seminar-tickets-39737800832
Partner Organizations:
For over 45 years, Trinity Square Video has been a champion of media arts practices. Our activities are guided by a goal to increase our members’ and audiences’ understanding and imagination of what media arts practices can be. Trinity Square strives to create supportive environments, encouraging artistic and curatorial experimentation that challenge medium specificity through education, production and presentation supports. Trinity Square’s programming is guided by three priorities: 1) promoting an expanded definition of media arts; 2) promoting the meaningful engagement of diverse voices in all levels of our operations; and 3) supporting and nurturing the production of new works by artists and curators. Our membership represents the diversity of the city and honours the original mandate of the organization—seeking to reduce barriers to access related to race, gender, sexual orientation, and socio- economic and physical ability. Find more at www.trinitysquarevideo.com.
SAVAC (South Asian Visual Arts Centre) is a non-profit, artist-run centre in Canada dedicated to increasing the visibility of culturally diverse artists by curating and exhibiting their work, providing mentorship, facilitating professional development and creating a community for our artists. SAVAC was founded to be an organization staffed by people of colour, committed to support the work of artists of colour. We promote self-representation by developing artistic practice that is often informed by cultural identity through a range of mediums, aesthetics, forms, and techniques. We support work that (in)directly addresses the ways histories of people of colour are represented alongside the story of ongoing colonialism on Turtle Island and post-colonial histories of the global south. These works are challenging, experimental and offer multifarious perspectives on the contemporary world. Find more at www.savac.net.
Xpace Cultural Centre is a membership driven artist-run centre dedicated to providing emerging and student artists and designers with the opportunity to showcase their work in a professional setting. We program contemporary practices that respond to the interests and needs of our membership. As we program with shorter timelines this allows for us to respond to contemporary issues in theory and aesthetics, keeping an up to the minute response to what is going on directly in our community. Find more at www.xpace.info.