
Proposal Policy

InterAccess's programming is determined 12-18 months in advance. Exhibitions and events are developed through curatorial research, which includes submissions we receive. A proposal submission does not guarantee an invitation to exhibit.

Interaccess exhibits original projects from artists, curators, and collectives. Keeping with our mission to expand the cultural space of technology, we support electronic, interactive, and new media works in sculpture, installation, video, software, sound/music, and performance.

Presently, our curatorial focus is on:

Practice-Based Research
InterAccess takes practice-based inquiry as an entry point into not only understanding more closely the way technology inhabits our everyday lives, but also serves as a hub, from which hybrid forms and experimental research encourages innovation both in-studio and in-gallery.

Interdisciplinary Dialogue
Our commitment to interdisciplinary dialogue and transdisciplinary methods encourages an approach that sees the value of heterogeneity and transformation.

Productive Co-production
Our collaborations with local partners allow us to exchange ideas, cultivate new perspectives and further expand the range of media art practice.

International Program
Our collaborations with international partners make InterAccess an important node in the global rhizome of media art outlets.

Proposal Guidelines

Applications for exhibition and platform programming are accepted on an ongoing basis. The programming committee is comprised of a staff member, board members who are practicing artists, and an invited artist or curator. Consideration is given to collaboration with local organizations. InterAccess strives for its programming to reflect the diversity of its communities.

Proposals for exhibitions, curatorial projects and special programmes are reviewed on an ongoing basis. InterAccess pays artist fees in accordance with CARFAC and IMAA standards. Please enquire for a gallery floorplan or to receive information about the venue's technical capabilities.

All submissions must be sent digitally.

1. Project Documents
The following should be combined into a single PDF file:

  • A project description
  • A CV
  • A list of support materials (e.g. images, video, audio) with description of content
  • Optional - Maximum 2 samples of press written on your work
  • Optional - Including your support materials inside the PDF 
  • You MUST include the title of the project in the PDF as well as the year of submission. (Example "2014_ProjectName.pdf").

2. Support material
You may submit up to 10 items of support material, including jpegs, urls, videos, and software. InterAccess has only a limited amount of time to review each submission. Please limit video selections to 5 minutes in length (include directions and time-codes in the support materials list) and jpegs to 72 dpi. Please limit total size of support materials to no larger than 100 MB.

Be sure to name each parts of your support material with the submission date and title of your project (for example, "YEAR_ProjectName_jpeg1.pdf) and have them correspond with your list of materials.

3. Sending your submission
You can send your proposal to us in one of the following ways:

  • Email to (recommended for submissions of supporting materials under 10MB)
  • (or other file share) to

Be sure to name the subject line of your email or file transfer with the submission date and project name, (Example "YEAR MONTH_ProjectName_submission").

4. Timelines
Please allow up to 3 months for the complete review of your proposal.


We are currently not open to receiving unsolicited proposals. 

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