
There are currently no upcoming workshops.

Past workshop
Jul 20, 2024

VF24 Workshop | Digital Existence Only!

Get introduced to Blender, an open-source 3D graphics software, through the creation of abstract scenes that can only exist in a virtual world. Participants will learn software workflow, object creation, texturing, lighting, and rendering.

Past workshop
Jul 13, 2024

VF24 Workshop | Start Where You Are: Using Worldbuilding Tactics in Serious Games for Climate Change Adaptation

Engage in a worldbuilding exercise in this “game to build a game” on the complex real-world problem of climate crisis in Toronto, working with situational and publicly available data through active group facilitation.

Past workshop
Jul 2, 2024

forest of juxtaposition: radical disconnectedness in Kinopio

Part of our deu(s ex machina) Game Jam, this workshop challenges participants to reflect on game design structures. By creating and connecting Kinopio cards in different ways, participants will play with a creative organizing process.

Past workshop
Jun 17, 2024

expressing ideas in the moment: haiku games with Downpour

Create brief and evocative interactive experiences in Downpour, an easy-to-use tool for making games on your phone.

Past workshop
Jun 15, 2024

Playing the Curator: An Introductory Workshop to Digital Exhibitions

Introduce yourself to digital art exhibition development through MacKenzie Art Gallery's Digital Exhibition Builder and the Unity engine.

Past workshop
Apr 20 - 27, 2024

World Building in ResoniteVR

This workshop takes participants by the avatar and teleports them into ResoniteVR. Collaborate and build an environment as a team!

Past workshop
Mar 30, 2024

Build the VGA Loom Video Synthesizer

Build the VGA Loom, a video synthesizer that produces real time animated glitchy patterns reminiscent of woven textiles.

Past workshop
Mar 14, 2024

Making Noise: Digital Audio Programming in SuperCollider

Experiment and explore the world of SuperCollider audio and music programming in this hands-on exploratory workshop.

Past workshop
Mar 13, 2024

Abstract Turntablism with Maria Chávez

Learn about using turntables and vinyl records as instruments in this workshop on abstract turntablism.

