
There are currently no upcoming workshops.

Past workshop
Nov 24 - 26, 2020

Create a Discord Bot!

Together we will explore the wonderful world of online communities and learn how to use code to customize your own bot in Discord servers. 

Past workshop
Nov 17 - 19, 2020

Generating Images with Shaders

Learn how to make algorithmic images and animations with GLSL shaders. 

Past workshop
Nov 10 - 12, 2020

Immersive Audio: Experimental Sound Design in Unity3D

Join us to explore how to build adaptive and sonic environments using Unity3D, FMOD, and Ableton’s Max for Live. 

Past workshop
Nov 7 - 14, 2020

Parametric Thinking with Images

In this workshop, we will learn how to transform images into designs and patterns, or abstract them into 3D forms using Grasshopper3D. 

Past workshop
Nov 5, 2020

Live Coding in Supercollider

Joanne Armitage will show participants how to get started making music with code in SuperCollider, a powerful open-source platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition.

Past workshop
Oct 28, 2020

Intro to Sound Synthesis in Max/MSP

This workshop led by Jessica Ekomane will give an introduction to elementary skills for working with sound synthesis in the music programming software Max, in the context of experimental electronic music performance and sound art.

Past workshop
Oct 24, 2020

Microbial Life in Mud

In this hands-on online workshop, participants will create sculptures that use mud as a medium in order to explore the life within it and our connections to it. 

Past workshop
Oct 18, 2020

Democratizing Mushroom Cultivation: Fungal Bio-Materials

Get introduced to the fantastic potential of mycelium for collaboration and experimentation at the intersection of art and science. 

Past workshop
Jul 21, 2020

A Queer Guide to GIF-Making

Join multimedia artist Alex Jensen for a crash course on GIF-making as he explores and shares his own queer history of GIFs.

