
There are currently no upcoming workshops.

Past workshop
Nov 26, 2021

Intro to DIY Podcasting, Radio Shows, and Live Streaming

Learn to share your message through the interconnected mediums of radio, live streaming and podcasting in this Audacity-based workshop with DJ, curator and radio host Roshanie!

Past workshop
Nov 26, 2021

Intro to Ableton: How to Start a Track

Take a crash course in Ableton with Toronto-based producer, DJ, pianist, and radio host Ciel!

Past workshop
Nov 26, 2021

Internet Choreographies: Performing for the Online Audience with James Knott

Find out all the different ways you can utilize and design performance work for online spaces, including Zoom, Instagram Live, and YouTube!

Past workshop
Aug 2, 2021

Cyborg Bodies // Minecraft Creations

Part feminist theory, part artist talk, and part technical workshop—this session with Cat Haines explores how we can use Minecraft resource packs to transform our social and material realities to create new bodily possibilities. 

Past workshop
Jul 31, 2021

Jane's Walk Minecraft

Taking seriously the idea of server as “place”, Ender Gallery curators Cat Bluemke, Jonathan Carroll, and Sarah Friend tour the expansive procedurally generated world of Minecraft, moving from the digital, front-end biomes to the backend of the Minecraft server.

Past workshop
Jul 27 - Aug 3, 2021

Understanding & Hacking Facial Recognition Technologies

Learn the basics of how a facial recognition system works by using Python in Google Colaboratory! Discussions will consider digital surveillance and biometric data, as well as what might constitute a toolkit for public awareness and citizen resistance to facial recognition technologies.

Past workshop
Jul 18, 2021

Virtual Reality Life Drawing

Spekwork leads a session on figure and still life drawing techniques through the free platform VRChat, examining both form and substance through art historical and technologist perspectives.

Past workshop
Jul 17 - 24, 2021

Place-making & Mapping Beyond Binaries

How can maps guide us beyond the binary models of virtual/material, IRL/URL, and public/private? Taking an embodied queer approach to mapping, this two-part workshop will explore the sometimes incongruous (but always generative) relationships between digital mapping software, embodied place-making, and free form mapping methods like cognitive or community mapping. Participants will be introduced to Google MyMaps, Google Earth, and QGIS, in tandem with indoor/outdoor activities exploring physical space and grassroots data collection.

Past workshop
Jun 22, 2021

Developing Wikis for Collective Knowledge

Explore how info-sharing platforms reflect community values and put these ideas into practice by creating an experimental wiki website!

