Intern Purgatory: A COVID-19 VRChat Story - Performance
This VR performance, occurring in VRChat and streamed to Twitch, is about a place, and an app, called ‘Intern Purgatory’. The state of the world forces three artists to become unpaid interns inside their own virtual reality project. Their fantastical new employers drop the worst crisis they have ever suffered right onto the new intern’s live/work cubicle desks. They must now stop a wild brand on a rampage or suffer the consequences of a changing world around them.
Thursday, July 16, 2020

Tough Guy Mountain is a Toronto-based art collective making interactive performance art about unpaid internships. Working together since 2012, they have created video games, musical theatre, and gallery exhibits in which audiences explore a fantasy world of corporate serfdom. The collective has exhibited their work and performed across Canada and the United States.
Tough Guy Mountain (Cat Bluemke, Jonathan Carroll, Iain Soder)