Performance – Coralie Vogelaar, Arranging, Moving, Rotating, Packing
Performance – Coralie Vogelaar, Arranging, Moving, Rotating, Packing
Thursday, October 20 | 9—9:30pm EST
In-person at City Dance Corps (950 Dupont St.)
FREE (register here)
Bin-packing algorithms are normally used by the transportation and 3D printing industries to calculate the optimal arrangement of irregular objects in a container, configuring these objects to take up as little space as possible.
In this work, artist Coralie Vogelaar uses this algorithm on a dataset of classical sculptures. A selection of the results are translated in a choreography for four dancers—designed in collaboration with choreographer Marjolein Vogels—and performed live. Sound is created with the help of two Kinect depth scanners that are triggered by the movements of the dancers.
Performers: Keita Fournier-Pelletier, Kaelin Isserlin, Nyda Kwasowsky, Sully Malaeb Proulx
Choreographer: Marjolein Vogels
Please note capacity is limited.
Coralie Vogelaar is an interdisciplinary artist who combines social science such as behavioural studies with the artistic imagination. Vogelaar investigates the relationship between human and machine by applying machine logic to the human body and vice versa. Her work manifest itself in the form of performances and video and multimedia installations, for which she works together with experts from various disciplines including data analysis, choreography, and sound design. She is an alumnus of the Rijksakademie van beelden kunsten in Amsterdam. Her performance Emotion Recognition from an Algorithmic Point of View was featured in The Most Iconic Works of 40 years V2 - Lab for the Unstable Media. In 2021 she was nominated for the Prix de Rome.
There are several steps up to the main entrance of City Dance Corps. Once inside, all facilities are on the same level.
Standing room is available with limited seating. Please contact art@interaccess.org with accessibility requests or inquiries.