4 Years Later: Understanding the Generative Art Boom - Artist Talk
Join us for a public artist talk by new media artist Mitchell F. Chan.
Monday, December 16 | 7–8:30 PM ET
In person in InterAccess's Studio
950 Dupont Street, Unit 1
Major art movements are often characterized by singular bursts of radical innovation, followed by a slow and persistent assimilation of those new techniques into adjacent artistic categories. Mitchell F. Chan (Digital Zones, Lewit Generator Generator) presents modern and contemporary art genres as combinations of fundamental principles, then talks through some specific examples of works in progress that integrate generative art principles into an expanded art practice.
Mitchell F. Chan is an artist who has been described by one critic as “committed to the most serious ideas of conceptualism in the most playful way possible.” His most recent work includes: The Boys of Summer, an interactive sports management simulation; and Winslow Homer’s Croquet Challenge, an allegorical croquet video game about Reconstruction-era America, commissioned by the Buffalo AKG Art Museum. His pioneering blockchain artwork Digital Zones of Immaterial Pictorial Sensibility was recently exhibited at the Fondazione Prada during the Venice Biennale.
Image courtesy of artist; Photo Credit: Jenna Wakani