Impedance: Games & Resistance
InterAccess presents Impedance, an exhibition featuring works by Molleindustria w/ Jim Munroe, Alex Myers, Kent Sheely, Lucas Pope, Soha El-Sabaawi, Martin Le Chevallier, Gordan Savicic, RuneStorm, Andy Campbell & Mez Breeze, and Oscar Raby.
Molleindustria w/ Jim Munroe, Unmanned, 2012, installation view
Videogames are increasingly becoming tools to address contemporary politics and act as forms of resistance. As catalysts for critical conversations surrounding a broad variety of issues, game artists produce works that critique real world issues as much as they reflect on the medium of digital games. Addressing the politics of surveillance, warfare, mass media and propaganda, privacy, and mass-mediated violence, the works in this exhibition challenge you to engage with difficult issues by interacting with experimental games, interactive installations, text adventures, art games, a VR documentary, and game mods. The issues and questions raised by the works in this exhibition are ubiquitous in the contemporary world. Among others, they concern social justice, inefficient and overbearing control apparatuses, the saturation of public spaces with locked and proprietary networks, torture, and the trauma of terrorism and warfare.
Alex Myers, Winning, 2013, installation view
But despite the seriousness of these issues, it is important to note that these artworks develop playful approaches to the negotiation of difficult subjects – approaches that expand conventional ideas of videogames, that require you to reflect on sinister topics through playful experimentation, and that subvert videogaming conventions in order to elevate the form beyond simple entertainment. It is equally important to note that the ‘challenge’ that these works pose to the viewer should be taken literally: don’t hesitate to pick up a controller or mouse and explore what this exhibition has to offer in digital narratives, conceptual art, and critical commentary.
Oscar Raby, Assent, 2013, installation view
This exhibition is a co-presentation with Vector Game + Art Convergence, a festival dedicated to showcasing contemporary game based artworks.
Join us for the opening reception on Feb 8th from 4pm-7pm at InterAccess.
More information can be found at www.vectorfestival.org.
Photography by Robin Hamill, 2014

February 22–23, 2014

Past exhibition
Nov 6 - Dec 7, 2024
DINNER AT THE AUTOMAT ―Casper Sutton-Fosman
The 23rd Annual IA Current Exhibition, DINNER AT THE AUTOMAT, curated by Casper Sutton-Fosman, explores the promises and failures of automation and artificial intelligence.

Past exhibition
Sep 11 - Oct 12, 2024
the medium is the environment ―Kevin Day
A solo exhibition exploring how the digital environment subjugates both human and natural environments through a data-driven video installation.

Past exhibition
Jul 18, 2024
VF24 | deu(s ex) machina Showcase
Our five gamemakers in residence have been hard at work making games exploring how technology has enriched/hindered pursuits for sexual intimacy and self-understanding; come join us in celebration, and play some games.