Nov 19 - Dec 19, 1998

Organic Mechanics

Victoria Scott and Simone Jones

Organic Mechanics is an exhibition of sculptural installations by Victoria Scott and Simone Jones, two promising young artists who share an interest in the resonance between the organic and the artificial.

Astute observers of kinetic motion, these two artists make works that are powerful and visceral reminders of our bodies' need for protection, stimulation and expression. At the same time, each artist displays a sensitivity towards the needs and the intelligence of their creations.

Each artist has an ongoing interest in the emotional and aesthetic impact of specific materials, Jones' preoccupation being with wood, Scott's with metal.

Two large-scale mechanical pieces form the core of the exhibition. They are Scott�s Coil Room and Jones' Transformation #1.

Coil Room fills an 800-square-foot space with fifteen vibrating four-foot-round inverted steel coils. Each extends from the ceiling almost to the floor and is spaced apart so that viewers may walk among them as if in a dense and pulsating forest. Their slow, undulating movement evokes the power of sexual energy, as the piece seeks to envelop viewers and induce in them a sympathetic resonance.

Transformation #1 consists of three wooden kinetic sculptures whose forms are based on geometric pentagons. As each sculpture slowly extends and contracts its limbs, their proximity and movement create a play of shapes and light reminiscent of flowers, sea anemones or crystals.

Organic Mechanics explores the ways in which technology can mimic, magnify and reinterpret organic existence without necessarily having to surpass it. It is an exhibition that highlights the materials of the machine and insists on the need to creatively approach our shared world.

Click here to view an archive of the original Organic Mechanics exhibition website.

Past exhibition
Jul 18, 2024

VF24 | deu(s ex) machina Showcase

Our five gamemakers in residence have been hard at work making games exploring how technology has enriched/hindered pursuits for sexual intimacy and self-understanding; come join us in celebration, and play some games.

Past exhibition
Jul 12 - 19, 2024

VF24 | Resonant Futures

The intersection of ecology and technology is explored through new media artworks focused on disintegration, decomposition, and obsolete technology.

Past exhibition
Apr 24 - May 11, 2024

+1-home―Nada El-Omari and Sonya Mwambu

+1-home is custom-made to InterAccess’s immersive projection environment as a two-player interactive experience, developed with the support of InterAccess’s inaugural IA 360º Artists-in-Residence program.

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