Jul 13 - Aug 6, 2007

Two Steps Back

Featuring Adam Bellavance, Jason de Haan, Kristen Kellar, Derek Liddington, Laura Paolini, Matthew Willamson. Curated by Sarah Todd

Canada's most promising emerging new media artists showcase their work at InterAccess

Technology and failure go hand in hand, sometimes with disastrous consequences, though more often with a sadly comic twist. Two Steps Back is interested in this game of trial and error� the featured artists play with glitches, futility, randomness and ridiculousness. The fraught relationship between machines and their shortcomings is often represented as apocalyptic and ominous. Two Steps Back is not concerned with the dark and dystopian, instead it looks at the humourous and pathetic elements of failure and technology.

Curator Sarah Todd brings together six up and coming new media artists, Adam Bellavance, Jason de Haan, Kristen Kellar, Derek Liddington, Laura Paolini and Matthew Williamson, in this playful exploration of failure, futility and machines.

These works from across Canada, exploit technical difficulties, poking fun at machines and our relationship to them. Adam Bellavance's invention alchemically coverts Coca- Cola into clean drinking water, while Jason de Haan uses crystal healing practices and audio vibrations to send an experimental gesture of wellness into the gallery space and beyond. Meanwhile, Kristen Kellar's tiny robots simultaneously create and destroy their own collaborative composition.

The works in Two Steps Back reveal hidden possibilities in futility and the failed to see if we really do learn from our mistakes.

For media inquires contact: Sarah Todd
phone: 647-883-5968
E-mail: sarahATinteraccess.org

InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre
9 Ossington Avenue, Toronto, Ontario
Wednesday to Sunday 12-5 pm

Past exhibition
Jul 18, 2024

VF24 | deu(s ex) machina Showcase

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VF24 | Resonant Futures

The intersection of ecology and technology is explored through new media artworks focused on disintegration, decomposition, and obsolete technology.

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Jul 11 - Aug 10, 2024

VF24 | I ♥ U―Kenzie Housego

Come text, flirt, and chat with these interactive LED embroidery works by Kenzie Housego.

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