Call for Submissions - Clouds
Deadline: Monday, June 20, 2016 at 11:59pm.
InterAccess is currently developing a group exhibition for Fall 2016 influenced by John Durham Peters’s book, The Marvellous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media. In this critical meditation, Peters argues that media—understood as “vessels and environments, containers of possibility that anchor our existence and make what we are doing possible,”[1]—are the infrastructures that form our natural and cultural lives.
Submit artworks and works-in-progress that imagine, reimagine, question, or subvert: the confluence of our natural, elemental, and digital lives; interiority and exteriority; bodies in the context of ecologies and/or architectures; climate, environment, atmosphere; sustainability; the effects of the digital and technological on the geological; forms of life in silico and in vivo; media as environments; the politics of environments; the materiality of digital space; the symbolic language of clouds; data clouds; mushroom clouds; the cloud, etc.
We welcome submissions in any medium; preference will be given to moving image, new media and electronic artworks. Selected artists will be notified by mid-July. Works-in-progress must be completed by August 2016. InterAccess pays artists fees in accordance with CARFAC’s fee schedule. InterAccess welcomes international submissions but is unable to accommodate travel expenses.
Submission Requirements
Project description and artist statement (two pages maximum; for in-progress works, please include a reasonable timeline for completion)
- Documentation (maximum five images and one video; for large files please provide a URL; for works in progress please include detailed sketches or documentation of prototypes)
- Detailed description of technical requirements (please outline materials provided by the artist and materials expected from InterAccess)
- Current CV (3 pages maximum)
- Artist biography (100 words)
Send your submissions by Monday, June 20, 2016 at 11:59pm to art@interaccess.org using the subject line, “Clouds Submission.” Attachments should not exceed 15MB.
[1] Peters, John Durham. "Introduction." The Marvelous Clouds: Toward a Philosophy of Elemental Media. Chicago: U of Chicago, 2015. 2. Print.