Call for Applications: IA Current Curator
Application Deadline: September 27, 2020
Send Applications To: art@interaccess.org
InterAccess currently seeks an emerging curator to join the organization under the auspices of the IA Current Program, which supports the professional development of emerging curators and artists interested in new media and electronic arts practices. The IA Current Curator will use their unique vision and critical perspective to research, develop, and execute the 19th annual IA Current Exhibition.
The exhibition will, for the first time in the history of the IA Current program, be presented as an online exhibition. The virtual exhibition will be hosted on a website created in collaboration with the selected curator for four weeks beginning in January 2021.
The IA Current Curator will receive a $1500 curatorial fee upon the public launch of the exhibition.
Eligibility Criteria
+ InterAccess welcomes applications from Canadian undergraduate and graduate students in a related field of study, recent graduates, and emerging professionals with fewer than four consecutive years of related professional experience.
+ The IA Current Curator must demonstrate an interest in web-based arts practices. Please note any relevant experience with web design, coding, and/or graphic design in your application.
+ The IA Current Curator must be available for key dates between October 9, 2020 – February 27, 2021.
Priority will be given to applicants who are Indigenous, Black, people of color, women, LGBTQ2+, people with disabilities, and/or are members of other equity-seeking groups.
Submission Requirements
+ Statement outlining your curatorial interests (250 words maximum)
+ Exhibition proposal including the name of at least one emerging artist you would like to work with (250 words maximum)
+ CV
+ One reference
Only email submissions will be considered. Please send a single PDF file to art@interaccess.org with the subject line “IA Current Curator Application.” We thank all those who apply, however we will only contact those selected for an interview.
The InterAccess Current (IA Current) program supports the professional development of emerging curators and artists interested in new media and electronic practices. Each year, InterAccess selects an emerging curator, who works closely with InterAccess staff to conceptualize and execute an exhibition of works by emerging artists. “Current” refers to the now, of course, but it is also an energetic charge that causes light, heat, and all manner of electronic life; an apt metaphor for emergent creative practices within the ever-expanding field of new media.
Image: Scaffolds I can no longer see, 2019 IA Current Exhibition. Artworks by Sarah Friend, Guillaume Pascale, Shaheer Tarar, and Sahar Te. Curated by Sophia Oppel and Philip Leonard Ocampo. Photography by Natalie Logan.