Announcing P2P 2023: InterAccess Member Showcase
Peer-to-Peer (P2P) describes a network that allows computers to pass information between each other directly, acting as servers for each other, without the need of a central hub. We see this decentralized sharing beyond computer networks, in mycelium underground, and in the practices of the artists creating artwork in our shared studio.
In celebration of our membership, InterAccesss is proud to announce P2P 2023: InterAccess Member Showcase, on view in the gallery December 15 – 16, with a closing reception and Open HDMI event on December 16, 6 – 9PM. The gallery and IA 360 immersive projection system are open and ready to showcase your work!
All are invited to the showcase and reception (exhibiting or not, member or not) for snacks and a warm send-off before the holiday season.
Members will receive an open sign-up sheet and more details via email. We encourage members to show work that is in progress, unfinished, and messy. Reach out to us at art@interaccess.org with any questions.
For those looking for a reason to sign-up for an IA Membership: this is it! Look into membership information and send any questions to education@interaccess.org
This event is made possible by funding from the Ontario Arts Council.