Do you have a technological obsolescence problem?
Call for Artworks in Existential Crisis
Deadline: July 4, 2014
Towards exhibitions and events on the topic of preservation and new media art practices this Fall, InterAccess is calling for cases of artworks that are on the verge of technological obsolescence.
Works in a tenuous stage in their lives—from requiring replacement parts no longer being manufactured, becoming incompatible with their operating platforms, or just collecting dust because there is no clear or straightforward path for its continuation in life—-are being solicited for public discussion on an online platform and for the opportunity to be exhibited in-gallery at InterAccess.
Specifically, we are seeking artworks that are currently in the process of becoming obsolete, and where the decision to upgrade may fundamentally change the work’s meaning or threaten its artistic integrity.
In addition to selected case studies for the online platform, all works will be juried for inclusion in an exhibition at InterAccess, based on themes emerging from the call. Exhibition fees will be in accordance with CARFAC standards. Artists will be contacted and credited regarding their selected works.
Submission Materials Required
• Title and Date the artwork was created
• The Problem: How the risk of obsolescence affects the artwork
(e.g. in material/conceptual/aesthetic/political/economic ways) – 500 words max
• Technical Description of the artwork
• Documentation of the artwork
• Artist Biography – 100 words max
• Artist Contact Info (email, phone, address)
Sending your submission
You can send your submission to us in one of the following ways
• Email to info@interaccess.org.
• Wetransfer.com (recommended for submissions over 10MB)
• Name the subject line of your Email or WeTransfer file: “2014 Obsolescence”
Please allow up to one month for the complete review of your submission. For any questions regarding the call for submissions, please contact us at info@interaccess.org.
Deadline: July 4, 2014
Artifact Institute, Investigation 2: Electronic equipment not accepted for curbside garbage collection by the Halifax Regional Municipality, 2013. Photo by Natalie Boterman. Courtesy of the artists.