How to Apply to a Call for Submissions - Info Session
Each year, InterAccess and countless other artist-run centres source work from our community through public calls for submissions. Open calls are great opportunities for artists to introduce their work to galleries for the first time or to deepen existing relationships with galleries by keeping them up-to-date with your practice. But what changes when you are a new media artist with particular technological requirements involved in exhibiting your work? What should you consider before applying to a new media art gallery or festival, and what makes a strong application?
To answer these questions and more, join InterAccess’s Programming Coordinator, Megan MacLaurin, for a discussion session that breaks down the call for submissions process (including examples of current InterAccess calls) followed by a group Q&A.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
5pm - 7pm
Online via Zoom (link available upon registration)
After registering you will be provided a link to join the info session in advance of May 20, 2020. Contact education@interaccess.org for any questions.
About the Instructor
Megan MacLaurin is a curator and arts facilitator born and based in Toronto/Tkaronto, Canada. She holds an M.A. in Art History & Curatorial Practices from York University and a B.A. in Art History and Arts Administration from the University of Ottawa. Her research and curatorial practice explore the intersections between natural and technological ecologies in a changing climate. Megan is currently the Programming Coordinator at InterAccess and Co-Director/Curator at Bunker 2 Contemporary Art Container.
Image: Scaffolds I can no longer see, 2019 IA Current exhibition curated by Sophia Oppel and Philip Leonard Ocampo. Artworks by Sarah Friend, Guillaume Pascale, Shaheer Tarar, and Sahar Te. Photography by Natalie Logan.