Responsive Sound & Real-Time Code with SuperCollider (2 PART WORKSHOP)
What is SuperCollider?
SuperCollider is an environment and programming language for real-time audio synthesis and algorithmic composition. What does that mean? Basically, it's an incredibly powerful tool for turning data into audio compositions.
In Constructed Land, a recent exhibition at InterAccess, Alex Geddie used SuperCollider to create a dynamic score that plays in the gallery. As viewers adjust knobs and switches that alter video displays, Geddie's SuperCollider program uses that dynamic data, as well as weather data from the videos, to adjust the exhibition's haunting and wispy soundtrack.
SuperCollider is a language that can be a bit daunting to get into if you're by yourself. Thankfully, we've got Alex to teach us the basics in this two-session workshop.
Here are some other cool projects that use SuperCollider.
Cube with Magic Ribbons by Simon Katan. Remember how you could make your own courses in ExciteBike for NES? This project is kind of like that, but also a sequencer. ( )
The Sound of Ebay is a web app that turns your eBay purchase history into PHAT BEATS. I don't really understand why there are so many ASCII ladies on the website, though.
NOTE: THIS IS A 2 PART-WORKSHOP. When you register below, you are registering for classes on both Thursday August 9th and Thursday, August 16.