Make an Atari Punk Console!
Make your own DIY sound synthesizer! Learn about the 555 chip, practice your soldering and circuit building skills, and make some old school sounds with the Atari Punk Console!
The APC is a simple noisemaker circuit that is famous for its simplicity, elegance, and endless permutations. We’ll provide you with all the components and tools necessary to build this legendary gizmo, and we’ll guide you through the build and help you understand how electronic circuits work.
Our Atari Punk Console kit is designed by Rob Cruickshank. It's a really high-quality kit, and it's easy to assemble. If you’re new to electronics, it’s a great way to get your feet wet! And make some noise!
Date: Saturday January 23
Time: 6pm-830pm
Registration Fee: $5
Material Fee: $15
What, if any, prerequisite knowledge should students have? Soldering experience is an asset, but not required.
About the Instructor: Hilary Martin builds playful and noisy interactive sound installations. She learned to solder at InterAccess with Rob Cruickshank many years ago, and is currently IA's Interim Education Manger.