Atari Punk Console
Make your own DIY sound synthesizer! Learn about the 555 chip, practice your soldering and circuit building skills, and make some old school sounds with the Atari Punk Console! In collaboration with Maker Festival.
Date: Thursday July 29
Times: We will run this workshop in two timeslots:
6-7pm (10 people)
7-8pm (10 people)
Registration Fee: None.
Material Fee: $15
What, if any, prerequisite knowledge should students have? Soldering experience is an asset.
About the Instructor: Rob Cruickshank, an IA board member and our resident genius, is a Toronto-based multidisciplinary artist. He works in various media including electronic and robotic installations, sound art, electroacoustic music, and photography, and has been exhibited in Toronto, and internationally. Rob has developed a number of workshops at InterAccess, providing an opportunity to learn electronics, and has assisted numerous artists with the technological challenges of realizing their works.