Raspberry Pi 2 (Series)
Raspberry Pi 2 is a powerful mini-computer used in many interactive works. Using the RPi2, you will learn to write code in Python, scrape data from common web sources, and use sensors and actuators with the board.
These workshops build upon each other. Session one involves the setup of the RPi2, while session two covers coding in Python, building external circuitry, and connecting RPi2 to various data sources on the interwebs. In the final session, participants collaboratively come up with a project to be created on site, with the guidance of the workshop instructor.
Dates: Tuesdays November 3, 10 and 17
Time: 7-10pm
Registration Fee: $135 (Members); $180 (Non-Members)
Material Fee: $60 (includes RPi2 board that you will take home).
What, if any, prerequisite knowledge should students have? Any experience in writing code or building simple circuits will be an asset.
What to Bring: A laptop
About the Instructor: Amir is a Toronto based developer of open hardware/software for design environments. He is an entrepreneur who started his first venture in developing software as a service in 2001. Amir has been a collaborator at Fishtnk Design Factory, RAD and a leading manager of Fishtnk's physical computation projects. He is currently training for Dakar 2016.