Dan Tapper
Jan 15 - 22, 2019

The Art of Data Sonification

Learn how to turn data into sound! Dan Tapper will teach participants how to apply different data sonification techniques, collect and produce a variety of sonifications, and how to creatively use these sonifications in their own work. The workshop will move from looking at data sonification through the lens of Dan Tapper’s work sonifying data sets from NASA, to collecting, cleaning and using your own data for artistic creation. Participants will work with pre-gathered and cleaned data sets before collecting and working with personal data and online data sets. Tools will be provided by Tapper created in Pure Data and Processing, as well as versions for Max/MSP users. A particular focus will be placed on how to use data sets and the created sonifications in creative practice - moving beyond quantitative sonic representations to richer material.

Dates: Tuesday January 15 & 22

Time: 7-10pm

Registration Fees:

$90 (With Annual Studio/Workshop Pass)

$120 (Regular)

What, if any, prerequisite knowledge should students have? No prior knowledge is required, but if you are familiar with Processing, Pure Data, Max/MSP, or other programming environments, that will be an asset!

What to bring: Please bring a laptop and a pair of headphones, and install Processing and Pure Data before arriving at the first session. If you would like to use Max/MSP in place of Pure Data, that is fine as well.

Download Processing: https://processing.org/download/

Download Pure Data: https://puredata.info/downloads

if you need help with installations, please contact eduation@interaccess.org.

About the Instructor: Dan Tapper explores the sonic and visual properties of the unheard and invisible. From revealing electromagnetic sounds produced by the earth’s ionosphere, to exploring hidden micro worlds and creating imaginary nebulas made from code. His explorations use scientific methods alongside thought experiments resulting in rich sonic and visual worlds. You can see more of Dan's practice on his website at https://dantappersounddesign.com/

Questions? If you have any questions about the workshop or special requirements, please contact us at education@interaccess.org. Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy: We are unable to accommodate attendee cancellations or refunds less than 1 week prior to a workshop or event. InterAccess reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this workshop if necessary.

Equity Access Pricing

To reduce financial barriers, a pay-what-you-can discount is available for any community members that self-identify as part of an equity-seeking group. To request an Equity Access code to use for workshop registration, please email education@interaccess.org. Studio Members also receive a discounted rate on workshops, in addition to other great benefits.

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