Building Interactivity: An Introduction to Unity and Biosignals
This workshop will, in two parts, manoeuvre through the basics of game development with the Unity engine toward building a simple meditative experience with real-time biofeedback from the user. The first session includes an overview of Unity’s parts and features, and the setup of a 3D first-person environment. The second session includes a theoretical primer on the meaning and handling of biosignals, an overview and setup of the data pipeline from device (Muse and OpenBCI) to Unity, and how to handle this data in a game development context. We will finish by exploring the types of experiences that are possible - in Unity and elsewhere - and discuss responsible use of this technology.
Part 1: Tuesday, July 16
Part 2: Tuesday, July 23
Time: 7-10pm
Registration Fee:
Annual Studio or Workshop Pass Discount $95
Regular Price $140
You will need a decent computer for this workshop, but it does not need to be powerful. We will not be making anything heavy on graphics. We have extra computers available at InterAccess, feel free to contact education@interaccess.org to reserve one.
We won’t be using bio-hardware in the first week.
Download the Unity Hub from this link. From the Installs section of the Hub, install the Unity version 2018.4 In the prompts for this second installation, make sure you select to install Visual Studio Community as well. We will not need to add other platforms for this workshop, and they can be added later if necessary.
About the instructor: Brendan Lehman is a neuroscientist and media artist based in Toronto, Canada. Their work explores the emergent connections between a background in consciousness research and interactive media art, while remaining critical of their implications. Projects in biodata-driven game development, interactive installation, event curation, and arts not-for-profit governance all aim to capture contexts of togetherness and help people connect in new and meaningful ways.
Questions? If you have any questions about the workshop or special requirements, please contact us at education@interaccess.org. Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy: We are unable to accommodate attendee cancellations or refunds less than 1 week prior to a workshop or event. InterAccess reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this workshop if necessary.