Leon Lu
Apr 21, 2020

Intro to Net Art with p5.js

This online workshop will act as an introduction to creating net art by learning how to write and understand the fundamentals of code on the web. Leon will teach you how to set up a basic webpage using HTML and CSS while focusing on the p5.js library to create interactive web based graphic designs that will be published on the web for free using a GitHub repository.

Sequentially, you will first learn how to create a very simple webpage using HTML/CSS, next you will learn how to upload your webpage to the internet and finally you will learn how to create interactive artwork using the p5.js library.

Date: Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Time: 5pm - 8pm

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/intro-to-net-art-with-p5js-online-workshop-tickets-101341992628

This workshop is PWYC ($20 suggested donation). Please note that the fee can be waived if it is a financial barrier to participation.

After registering you will receive an email with a Zoom event link. Contact education@interaccess.org for any questions.

Essential Materials:

  • A computer with an internet connection
  • Download Sublime Text (https://www.sublimetext.com/)
  • Use Google Chrome as your web browser

About the Intructor: 

Leon is a designer, technologist and educator. He has most recently been a Resident Research Fellow at the Interactive Media Arts Program at New York University, Shanghai and is currently an Adjunct Professor at OCAD University and at the School of Design at George Brown College. His research interests are around how technology and design impacts social interactions between people and what can we as makers, designers and artists do in response. Instagram: @work_inprocess

Questions? If you have any questions about the workshop or special requirements, please contact us at education@interaccess.org

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy: We are unable to accommodate attendee cancellations or refunds less than 1 week prior to a workshop or event. InterAccess reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this workshop if necessary.

Equity Access Pricing

To reduce financial barriers, a pay-what-you-can discount is available for any community members that self-identify as part of an equity-seeking group. To request an Equity Access code to use for workshop registration, please email education@interaccess.org. Studio Members also receive a discounted rate on workshops, in addition to other great benefits.

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