Liane Décary-Chen and Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan
Apr 9, 2022

Talking Tech and Tarot

Online - Register Here!

Are you curious about transforming your relationship to digital tools and spaces? Would you like to spend an hour gently imagining a different way of engaging with your tech? This workshop invites you to map your own journey to tech tools that match your values, and to strategize your next steps as an individual or as a group.

Using a tarot-inspired format, Liane Décary-Chen and Marie Claire LeBlanc Flanagan will share a guide for evaluating where you are and thinking about where you want to go. You’re invited to simply tune in and listen, to participate by beginning to fill out the template provided, or to share thoughts and ideas in the chat.

This event is part of the Tech Tech Tech project at Ada X, afeminist and bilingual artist-run center engaged in exploration, creation and critical reflection in media arts. It supports the independent production and dissemination of proposals by women, trans, non-binary and queer artists within contemporary technological practices.

Questions? See our new workshops FAQ here and find tips on navigating Zoom-based classes here. You can email if you have any other questions about the workshop or require additional support.

Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy: We are unable to accommodate attendee cancellations or refunds less than 1 week prior to a workshop or event. InterAccess reserves the right to cancel or reschedule this workshop if necessary.

Equity Access Pricing

To reduce financial barriers, a pay-what-you-can discount is available for any community members that self-identify as part of an equity-seeking group. To request an Equity Access code to use for workshop registration, please email Studio Members also receive a discounted rate on workshops, in addition to other great benefits.

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