


Current exhibition
Jul 11 - Aug 10, 2024

VF24 | A phosphene rifts―Hearth

A multi-site exhibition along Geary Ave exploring augmented reality’s ability to expand upon physical perceptions of the real world with objects and assets only perceivable through a digital medium, A phosphene rifts, curated by Hearth, explores the mutant materiality and particular tangibilities in the spontaneous creation unique to AR.

Current exhibition
Jul 11 - Aug 10, 2024

VF24 | I ♥ U―Kenzie Housego

Come text, flirt, and chat with these interactive LED embroidery works by Kenzie Housego.

Current exhibition
Jul 11 - Aug 10, 2024

VF24 | too fragile to hold

A collection of new media artworks and interactive installations seeking to immerse participants into embodied experiences of flourishing mutualisms and resounding simultaneity.

Past exhibition
Mar 20 - Apr 3, 2003

Prosthetic Head―Stelarc

The line that separates us from the machines we create has become blurred. Our self-proclaiming notions of intelligence, awareness, identity, agency, and embodiment are no longer attributed solely to the human body. And instead of identity, we possess characteristics of connectivity that are most notably manifested through Embodied Conversational Agents.

Past exhibition
Sep 19 - Oct 12, 2002

Skinjob―Wayne Dunkley, Ana Rewakowicz and Jason Salavon

Curated by Camille Turner

Past exhibition
Sep 8 - Nov 3, 2002

Next Memory City - Toronto: Venice ―Michael Awad, Eve Egoyan and David Rokeby

Curated by Michael Awad and John Knechtal


Canada's entry in the 8th International Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale, 2002. Presented by InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre and Alphabet City. Works by Michael Awad, Eve Egoyan and David Rokeby. Commissioned by Kathleen Pirrie Adams. Co-curated by Michael Awad and John Knechtal. More credits available below.

Past exhibition
May 11 - 25, 2002

Substance―Richard Brown, Alan Dunning and Paul Woodrow

Curated by Michael Alstad and Camille Turner

InterAccess Electronic Media Arts Centre in partnership with Subtle Technologies and Year Zero One present Substance, an exhibition of interactive installations. The exhibit focuses on two works that stimulate participation and response in the fluid, dreamy interface between the virtual and physical.

Past exhibition
Apr 11 - 27, 2002

Remain in Light―Haruki Nishijima

Curated by Field Office

Signals from the surrounding environment – transient personal information from parking lots, restaurants, city streets – are captured in a butterfly net receiver. Output data appear as beautiful clusters of sound-emitting light. Immediate and remote space are both transformed by Haruki Nishijima’s invention of an imaginary ecology.

Past exhibition
Dec 6 - 20, 2001

Alpha Girls―Midi Onodera

Alpha Girls is a collection of three "cyber performances" by internationally acclaimed Canadian performance artists Kinga Araya, Louise Liliefeldt and Tanya Mars. In collaboration with each artist, filmmaker Midi Onodera has directed and designed a DVD presentation of each performance that provides a set of unique interactive possibilities.

Past exhibition
Oct 26 - Nov 10, 2001

Estranged Body and Alternate Interfaces―Kinga Araya and Stelarc

Knowledge of the body as the reversible surface of social life and self-identity is the shared concern that brings the works of Kinga Araya and Stelarc into dialogue. In both cases the artist ardently pursues this knowledge through the use of prosthetic devices that create awkward new shapes and complex new sets of gestures.

Past exhibition
Oct 10 - Nov 6, 2001

F2F: New Media Art from Finland―Heidi Tikka, Teijo Pellinen, Laura Beloff + Maex Decker, Kristian Simolin, Hanna Haaslahti, Tuomo Tammenpää, Juha Huuskonen and Marita Liulia

Curated by Marko Tandefelt in collaboration with Bryn Jayes

As the datasphere becomes increasingly dense, many fear the loss of face-to-face communication and, along with it, much of what we think of as distinctively human. The exhibition F2F: New Media Art from Finland includes nine wired, participatory installations that explore the insistence of the human within the realm of the machine and the influence of the human-machine interface on our social selves.

Past exhibition
Sep 21, 2001

Pixel Plunder©―Curated by Michael Alstad and Michelle Kasprzak

Pixel Plunder© is seven web-specific projects that range from a "sanctioned" appropriation of the Tate Modern's website by Harwood from the Mongrel Collective; 0100101110101101.ORG’s Life Sharing, which allows the viewer complete entry into the artist's computer and system folder; Duchampian Digital Readymades harvested through net search engines by MTAA Collective; Joanna Briggs' Haikoo, which parallels and challenges the structure of web-based information by borrowing from and mimicking the popular search engine Yahoo; Negativland's Pastor Dick's Mailbox

