
Past exhibition
Feb 8 - 23, 2014
Impedance: Games & Resistance―Vector Festival 2014
An exhibition featuring contemporary game based artworks intended to comment, reflect, and provoke.

Past exhibition
Jan 10 - 18, 2014
Beyond a Shadow of a Form―Layne Hinton
For her solo exhibition, InterAccess Media Arts Prize winner Layne Hinton combines elements of cinema, sculpture and installation to project complex shadows of three-dimensional forms.

Past exhibition
Sep 20 - Nov 23, 2013
Cold Pin―Eli Keszler
The construction of an instrument, composition of a score and orchestration of a piece happen simultaneously in Eli Keszler's automated sound installation.

Past exhibition
Jul 26 - Aug 17, 2013
Never Ever Whole
The 13th annual Emerging Artist Exhibition explores instances of technological intervention in the endless quest for an experience of totality.

Past exhibition
Jun 7 - Jul 13, 2013
Part Google, part Guggenheim; Googleheim proposes five projects that critically explore the tensions between transiency and permanence of the image in the context of contemporary art and media technology.

Past exhibition
Apr 13 - May 18, 2013
0h!m1gas―Kuai Shen
Kuai Shen's installation at InterAccess is biomimetic environment based on a 'do-it-yourself' approach to bioacoustics, measuring the vibratory sounds and mapping the activity of an ant colony and their relation to the artificial ecosystem where they live.

Past exhibition
Feb 21 - 24, 2013
Other Worlds―Vector Festival 2014
Rather than creating games where prescribed routes and narratives direct player movement and action, the works featured in Other Worlds position the player as a digital flaneur, who is free to move in any direction they like, while occupying the position of a detached observer.

Past exhibition
Jan 18 - Feb 16, 2013
Constellation of a Consciousness―Matthew Williamson
Featuring two separate but interrelated bodies of work, this solo-exhibition is like peering into the brain of the Internet while it doesn't know you're looking.

Past exhibition
Oct 24 - Nov 17, 2012
To Bring the World into the World
The exhibition presents practices of artist collectives, institutions and individual artists working across the South East Asia region and China with a special focus on video, its archiving processes, its presentation, preservation and distribution, as well as its use as a medium to reveal neglected histories, different realities and missing contact points.