
Past exhibition
Sep 19 - Oct 21, 2012
Building: Ossington 9―Instant Places
Using InterAccess' entire building as an instrument, Instant Places creates a generative audio-visual installation that examines the spatial and sonic qualities of the gallery and its urban context.

Past exhibition
Jul 20 - Aug 18, 2012
Corpus Lucida
Using optical illusions, embodied perception and eschewing the typical use of "interactivity" in technology, the artists gathered in Corpus Lucida focus on the act of seeing.

Past exhibition
May 25 - Jun 30, 2012
Constructed Land
An exhibition and multi-format project which proposes various experiences of reading a database records the weather in Kimmirut, Nunavut via continuous still images and it runs 24/7, while investigating the role of the webcam as an unbiased and unrelenting image collector.

Past exhibition
Apr 13 - May 19, 2012
Microtonal Array―Tristan Perich & Sarah Rara
Tristan Perich and Sarah Rara are two artists who test the boundaries of sound, object and image. In their work as musicians and as visual artists, they investigate the basic structures of their media, highlighting and experimenting with the formal properties and relationships between what we see and what we hear.

Past exhibition
Feb 17 - Mar 24, 2012
Double Back―Jillian Ross & Liam Wylle
InterAccess is pleased to present Double Back, an exhibition by Toronto-based collaborative duo Jillian Ross and Liam Wylie, from February 17 to March 24, 2012. In Double Back, Ross and Wylie explore the relationship between "the embodied phenomenological experience of travelling through a physical gallery space and the disembodied experience of navigating across one digitally." The exhibition features a number of paintings and sculptures displayed in InterAccess' physical gallery space and recreated in an accompanying virtual gallery space modelled on InterAccess.

Past exhibition
Nov 18 - Dec 17, 2011
Blown Up: Gaming and War―Harun Farocki, Wafaa Bilal, and Mohammed Mohsen
Curated by Vicky Moufawad-Paul

Past exhibition
Nov 3 - 5, 2011
Strategic Arts Initiative 2.0―Doug Back, Carl Hamfelt, Laura Kikauka, David Rokeby, Graham Smith, and Norman White
SAI 2.0 is presented as a three-day event in which visitors are invited to interact with their counterparts in Rotterdam through works of telepresence art.

Past exhibition
Sep 16 - Oct 15, 2011
Time Tunnel―Philippe Blachard
InterAccess is thrilled to present Philippe Blanchard's first solo-exhibition, Time Tunnel, from September 16 to October 15, 2011. Working in 'expanded animation', Blanchard has produced a cardboard and masonite cave plastered with multi-colored (RGB) prints and lighted by customized overhead projectors and L.E.D. strobe lights. As the lights in the gallery change from red to blue to green, the prints take on a crude but mesmerizing motion straddling the line between high and hacky tech.

Past exhibition
Jun 30 - Aug 13, 2011
Digital Alterities―Anyse Ducharme ,Thea Jones ,Mani Mazinani ,Tamara Platisa & Sasa Rajsic ,Santiago Tavera ,Calvin Winter, and Scott Gamble
InterAccess is pleased to present its 11th Annual Emerging Artist Exhibition, DIGITAL ALTERITIES, curated by our 2011 Curatorial Intern Scott Gamble.
The intermingling of humanity and technology has blurred the line between real and fabricated, between natural and digital. We live in a constant state of cyber-flux, bombarded by the seemingly endless supply of digital noise. Digital culture has permeated every micrometer of our natural being, and the discrepancy between the real and virtual is increasingly difficult to discern.