
There are currently no upcoming workshops.

Past workshop
Nov 21, 2015

Circuit Board Design in EagleCAD

This workshop series will take you through the workflow for designing and printing circuit boards. You will learn how to create a schematic, design a circuit board, customize parts and prepare files to send to the PCB manufacturer.

Past workshop
Nov 5 - 19, 2015

Intro to Arduino for Artists (Series)

In this series participants will be introduced to creative coding, circuit construction, sensors and actuators. Whether you are interested in robotics, sound, light art, or just plain old tinkering, these workshops are a great palce to develop your artistic ideas.


Past workshop
Nov 3 - 17, 2015

Raspberry Pi 2 (Series)

Raspberry Pi 2 is a powerful mini-computer used in many interactive works.  Using the RPi2, you will learn to write code in Python, scrape data from common web sources, and use sensors and actuators with the board.

Past workshop
Oct 24 - 25, 2015

Intro to Electronics for Artists (Series)

In this workshop geared to artists, you will learn the basics of electricity starting with Ohm’s Law, work your way up to building simple digital circuits with CMOS chips, transistors and LEDs, then learn how to interface these circuits with motors, sensors and other devices.  

Past workshop
Oct 23, 2015

Trans-Dimensional Photo Filters

Ever wanted your own psychedelic selfie station? Learn how to make one using an in-browser tool to post-process a webcam stream and see your creations come to life.

Past workshop
Oct 20 - 27, 2015

3D Scanning/Modelling/Printing (Series)

In this workshop series, participants will follow the workflow of 3D scanning an object, manipulating the model, exporting the files and printing the object on a 3D printer. Participants will work with the NextEngine 3D scanner and Ultimaker 2 printers.  

Past workshop
Oct 10, 2015

Mind-controlled Art

Learn how to use Muse, a wearable brain-sensing device developed by InteraXon, to create mind-controlled artworks. Import data into Arduino, Processing or MaxMSP to drive visualizations, make things move, illuminate, and more! 

Past workshop
Oct 6 - 13, 2015

Large-Scale Light Art (Series)

Learn how to control robotic lights, theatrical dimmer units and addressable RGB LEDs!  Participants will explore different ways of controlling sample lighting units (provided) using Arduino, Processing, and openFrameworks, and will consider ways that a small breadboard circuit can be scaled up to a large artwork.

Past workshop
Sep 22, 2015

Handcrafted Videogame Controllers

Participants will learn to make videogame controllers out of traditional crafting methods and the Makey Makey, a device that interfaces with computers to register alternative controls. 

