
There are currently no upcoming workshops.

Past workshop
Jun 23, 2015

3D Modelling for 3D Printing

In this workshop you will be introduced to 3D modelling using 123D software, and learn the design rules for 3D printing, how to prepare your files, choose filaments, and set up the 3D printer to print (you'll print, too!).

Past workshop
Jun 11 - 18, 2015

Max for Ableton Users

In these workshops, you will learn basic approaches and techniques used to create interactive and generative sonic experiences.

Past workshop
May 28, 2015

Interfacing Arduino and Max 7

Learn how to approach electronics projects from a graphical flow programming approach. Connect switches and sensors to Audio and Video, or control output like LED's based off of audio and video events!

Past workshop
May 16, 2015

Wearables and Collaborative Performance

In this workshop, you will learn to use Bluetooth and Arduino (in the form of the LightBlue Bean) as well as various body sensors to create generative designs through collaborative performance. 

Past workshop
May 7 - 21, 2015

Interactive Installations in Max 7: A 3-Part Series

In this workshop, we will learn the ins and outs of the Max 7 programming environment as well as some universal concepts to most programming languages and electronics while learning the basics of manipulating both pre-recorded and live video feeds in real-time!

Past workshop
Apr 16 - 30, 2015

Arduino for Artists: a 3-Part Series

In the Arduino for Artists series, you will be introduced to creative coding, circuit construction, sensors, actuators and much more.  

Past workshop
Feb 21, 2015

Intro to Interactive Art with Max 7

This workshop will give an overview of how to trigger videos using a camera input. As we go through the process, we'll learn how to navigate the Max 6 interface, and learn very basic approaches to initiating interaction with accessible hardware tools.


Past workshop
Feb 19, 2015

Vector Festival Workshop: Glitch.Jam.3

Glitch.Jam is a part-workshop/ part jam, where Team Vector will walk you through the basics of circuit bending battery operated / plug and play gaming devices. We’ll show you how to crack them open, and how to employ a variety of techniques to create your own game glitches!

Past workshop
Nov 29, 2014

The Craft of Electronic Fabrication with Rob Cruickshank

This workshop covers tricks and tips for good breadboarding, soldering techniques for everything from circuit boards to audio connectors, how to mount controls such as switches and potentiometers, how to wire various sorts of connectors, and how to deal with wire and cable, both inside a project, and in larger installations.

