
Oct 26 2024 to Nov 2 2024

Digital Dreamscapes (Series)

Learn collage and world-building techniques using Blender and New Art City to conduct collective and playful storytelling.

Nov 9 2024

Intro to Visualizing Sound with TouchDesigner

Get started with TouchDesigner, a tool for developing interactive visuals for live performance and art installations.

Nov 23 2024 to Nov 24 2024

Intro to Electronics for Artists (Weekend Intensive)

Learn the basics of electricity and build simple digital circuits with CMOS chips, transistors and LEDs.

Dec 7 2024

Anti-Making Making Club #1: Laser Cutting 101

Learn to use, understand, and critique digital fabrication techniques with a community of well-meaning, anti-consumerist, anti-maker makers.

Dec 14 2024

Co-Creative Code: Human-AI Art Lab with p5.js & Cursor

In this hands-on workshop, we'll combine human and computational expression, coding generative artworks in partnership with AI.

Past workshop
Oct 5 - 12, 2017

Biomedia: Caring for Home-Grown Cultures

Learn to make biological media at home and start growing cultures of attractive and intelligent slime mold (a.k.a Physarum Polycephalum). Sarah Choukah will introduce slime mold's amazing potential for collaboration at the intersection of art, science and technology.

Past workshop
Sep 23 - 30, 2017

Objective Functions: Creating Images with Neural Networks

In this two-part workshop, we will study neural networks, and how algorithms originally designed to allow computers to recognize the objects in photographs have been repurposed to instead create new images.

Past workshop
Sep 19 - 26, 2017

TouchDesigner Introductory Workshop

For everyone who wants to get a fast track start on working with TouchDesigner, this workshop will provide a good basis to gain an initial understanding on workflow, concepts and techniques while equipping attendees with the knowledge to start creating interactive/generative setups. 

Past workshop
Jul 25, 2017

Atari Punk Console

Make your own DIY sound synthesizer! Learn about the 555 chip, practice your soldering and circuit building skills, and make some old school sounds with the Atari Punk Console!

Past workshop
Jul 15, 2017

Making Virtual Instruments with foci + loci

Working collaboratively, workshop participants will learn how to use the various tools and assets within the game LittleBigPlanet for the Sony Playstation 3 to create their own audio visual instruments and prepare them for live performance. 

Past workshop
Jul 4, 2017

Pocket Sized Radio Transmitter for Installation and Performance

In this workshop, we will utilize soldering and circuitry skills to build a miniature radio transmitter modelled after the famous schematic of radio artist and theorist Tetsuo Kogawa.

Past workshop
Jun 20, 2017

Intro to 3D Printing for Artists

Students will learn how to prepare 3D models to be printed using Cura, and then learn how to set up, use, and clean the 3D printer.

Past workshop
Jun 17, 2017

Sensing Installations: Interfacing Processing with Arduino

Learn how to create coded animations and video effects that respond to their environments using two ubiquitous and open-source coding tools: Processing and Arduino.

Past workshop
Jun 10, 2017

Sonic Geography

Join sound artist and sonic adventurer Dan Tapper for an exploration into sound and place.

